Reserve your spot !

Patrons of the Champagne Ball at the buffet

Tickets for the Champagne Ball are ¥15,000 per person and can be reserved until November 6th (Wed) at 6:00 pm.

Please contact Champagne Ball administration if you have any questions.

Contact Ball Administration

Payment by bank transfer:
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (MUFG), Moriyama Branch,Futsu 0057163
トウカイニホンカナダキヨウカイ カイケイ グレゴリー ジヨナサン
(Tokai Nihon Kanada Kyokai Kaikei Gregory Jonathan)

Champagne Ball Reservation Form

Kindly complete the form below with your contact details and the names of all in your party.

Note : ACCJ Members will be invoiced as per regular events. All other guests are required to furikomi (bank transfer) the event fees.

Important Notes

NOTE 1: Sending the Form
After sending the completed form, you will be re-directed to a success/thank-you page, and immediately receive an AUTOMATED E-MAIL NOTIFICATION.

If you do not receive this AUTO-REPLY E-MAIL, your registration may not have been received (be sure to check your spam folder). Please send us an email to so that we can investigate and/or confirm your registration details.

Please note that a poor internet connection or a strict firewall may prevent users from sending the form. In such cases we recommend trying again, perhaps on a different network or device.

NOTE 2:  Correct Guest Names
Since there are no printed tickets, it is imperative that all guests are correctly registered under their full names. Please help us by ensuring that guest names are submitted correctly and in the order and format requested.

NOTE 3: Group Representative (additional guests)
If you are registering for additional guests, please ensure that all members of your party are aware that you are the
Group Representative. As long as your guests have been correctly registered with first and last names,  there should be no need to refer to the Group Representative. However, in the unlikely event of a problem on the night, this will help us resolve any issues quickly and ensure your guests get checked-in smoothly.

If there are any changes to the members of your party, please let us know as soon as possible.

NOTE 4: Group Payments
As primary registrant (or Group Representative), you are our only point of contact. As such, we will assume that payment for all members of your registered party will be coming from yourself.

Registration Form

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